meaning of trap

1. To dress with ornaments; to adorn; -- said especially of horses.
An old term rather loosely used to designate various dark-colored, heavy igneous rocks, including especially the feldspathic-augitic rocks, basalt, dolerite, amygdaloid, etc. , but including also some kinds of diorite. Called also trap rock.
Of or pertaining to trap rock; as, a trap dike.
A machine or contrivance that shuts suddenly, as with a spring, used for taking game or other animals; as, a trap for foxes.
Fig. : A snare; an ambush; a stratagem; any device by which one may be caught unawares.
A wooden instrument shaped somewhat like a shoe, used in the game of trapball. It consists of a pivoted arm on one end of which is placed the ball to be thrown into the air by striking the other end. Also, a machine for throwing into the air glass balls, clay pigeons, etc. , to be shot at.
The game of trapball.
A bend, sag, or partitioned chamber, in a drain, soil pipe, sewer, etc. , arranged so that the liquid contents form a seal which prevents passage of air or gas, but permits the flow of liquids.
A place in a water pipe, pump, etc. , where air accumulates for want of an outlet.
A wagon, or other vehicle.
A kind of movable stepladder.
To catch in a trap or traps; as, to trap foxes.
Fig. : To insnare; to take by stratagem; to entrap.
To provide with a trap; as, to trap a drain; to trap a sewer pipe. See 4th Trap, 5.
To set traps for game; to make a business of trapping game; as, to trap for beaver.
trap 1. A program interrupt, usually an interrupt caused by some exceptional situation in the user program. In most cases, the OS performs some action, then returns control to the program. 2. To cause a trap. "These instructions trap to the monitor. " Also used transitively to indicate the cause of the trap. "The monitor traps all input/output instructions. " This term is associated with assembler programming "interrupt" or "exception" is more common among HLL programmers and appears to be fading into history among programmers as the role of assembler continues to shrink. However, it is still important to computer architects and systems hackers see system, sense 1, who use it to distinguish deterministically repeatable exceptions from timing-dependent ones such as I/O interrupts. [Jargon File] trap door Or "trapdoor" 1. back door. 2. trap-door function trap-door function mathematics> A special class of one-way function, which is reversible if you know a certain secret associated with the function. http://www. rsasecurity. com/rsalabs/faq/2-3-2. html. http://www. ieor. berkeley. edu/~jshu/knapsack/Review/OverviewP
the act of concealing yourself and lying in wait to attack by surprise

Related Words

trap | trap block | trap door | trap line | trap play | trap-and-drain auger | trap-door spider | trapa | trapa bicornis | trapa natans | trapaceae | trapan | trapanned | trapanner | trapanning | trapball | trapdoor | trape | trapes | trapezate | trapeze | trapezia | trapeziform | trapezium | trapezium bone | trapeziums | trapezius | trapezius muscle | trapezohedral | trapezohedron |

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