meaning of swizzle

1. swizzle To convert external names, array indices, or references within a data structure into address pointers when the data structure is brought into main memory from external storage also called "pointer swizzling"; this may be done for speed in chasing references or to simplify code e. g. by turning lots of name lookups into pointer dereferences. The converse operation is sometimes termed "unswizzling". See also snap. [Jargon File] SWL Software Writers Language swung dash A character similar to tilde but appearing in the same vertical position as a dash, i. e. half way up rather than at the top like tilde. ASCII does not include a swung dash so tilde is used instead. It is commonly used for "approximates" or "is approximately equal to".
any of various tall frothy mixed drinks made usually of rum and lime juice and sugar shaken with ice

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swizzle | swizzle stick |

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