meaning of ptt

1. PTT Post, Telephone and Telegraph administration PUB 1. PUBlishing. A 1972 text-formatting language for TOPS-10, with syntax based on SAIL. Influenced TeX and Scribe. ["PUB: The Document Compiler", Larry Tesler, Stanford AI Proj Op Note, Sept 1972]. 2. /pub, the top-level, publicly accessible directory on most anonymous FTP archives. This is usually where the interesting files are. See pubic directory. pubic directory [NYU] also "pube directory" /pyoob d*-rekt*-ree/ The "pub" public directory on a machine that allows FTP access. So called because it is the default location for SEX software exchange. [Jargon File] public domain PD The total absence of copyright protection. If something is "in the public domain" then anyone can copy it or use it in any way they wish. The author has none of the exclusive rights which apply to a copyright work. The phrase "public domain" is often used incorrectly to refer to freeware or shareware software which is copyrighted but is distributed without advance payment. Public domain means no copyright -- no exclusive rights. In fact the phrase "public domain" has no legal status at all in the UK. See also archive site, careware, charityware, copyleft, crippleware, guiltware, postcardware and -ware. Compare payware. public domain software public domain public-key cryptography public-key encryption Public-Key Cryptography Standards standard> PKCS A set of standards for public-key cryptography, developed by RSA Data Security, Inc. in cooperation with an informal consortium, originally including Apple, Microsoft, DEC, Lotus, Sun and MIT. The PKCS have been cited by the OSI Implementers Workshop OIW as a method for implementation of OSI standards. PKCS includes both algorithm-specific and algorithm-independent implementation standards. Many algorithms are supported, including RSA and Diffie-Hellman key exchange, however, only the latter two are specifically detailed. PKCS also defines an algorithm-independent syntax for digital signatures, digital envelopes, and extended digital certificates; this enables someone implementing any cryptographic algorithm whatsoever to conform to a standard syntax, and thus achieve interoperability. E-mail: pkcs@rsa. com.

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