meaning of postcardware

1. postcardware Shareware that borders on freeware, in that the author requests only that satisfied users send a postcard of their home town or something. This practice, silly as it might seem, serves to remind users that they are otherwise getting something for nothing, and may also be psychologically related to real estate "sales" in which $1 changes hands just to keep the transaction from being a gift. [Jargon File] posted write-through A cache with a posted write-through policy e. g. Intel 80386 delays the write-back to main memory until the bus is not in use. Postel, Jon Jon Postel postfix notation Or "Reverse Polish Notation", RPN One of the possible orderings of functions and operands: in postfix notation the functions are preceded by all their operands. For example, what may normally be written as "1+2" becomes "1 2 +". Postfix notation is well suited for stack based architectures but modern compilers reduced this advantage considerably. The best-known language with postfix syntax is FORTH. Some Hewlett-Packard calculators use it, e. g. HP-25, HP-29C, HP-41C, HP-23SII. Compare: infix notation, prefix notation.

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