meaning of non interlaced

1. non-interlaced interlace nonintrusive testing Testing that is transparent to the software under test, i. e. , does not change its timing or processing characteristics. Nonintrusive testing usually involves additional hardware that collects timing or processing information and processes that information on another platform. nonlinear Scientific computation A property of a system whose output is not proportional to its input. For example, a transistor has a region of input voltages for which its output voltage is found by multiplying the input voltage by the gain of the transistor. Outside this region though, the transistor behaves non-linearly, meaning that it does not obey this simple equation. The behaviour of a system containing non-linear components is thus harder to model and to predict. [Jargon File] Non-Maintainer Upload NMU A release of a package by someone other than its usual maintainer. The bug was fixed in a recent NMU.

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