meaning of explicit parallelism

1. explicit parallelism A feature of a programming language for a parallel processing system which allows or forces the programmer to annotate his program to indicate which parts should be executed as independent parallel tasks. This is obviously more work for the programmer than a system with implicit parallelism where the system decides automatically which parts to run in parallel but may allow higher performance. explicit type conversion Or "cast" in C and elsewhere. A programming construct syntax to specify that an expressions value should be converted to a different type. For example, in C, to convert an integer usually 32 bits to a char usually 8 bits we might write: int i = 42; char *p = &buf; *p = char i; The expression "char" called a "cast" converts is value to char type. Casts including this one are often not strictly necessary, due to automatic coercions performed by the compiler, but can be used to make the conversion obvious and to avoid warning messages.

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