meaning of epsimone

1. EPSIMONE Concurrent simulation language derived from Simone. "EPSIMONE Manual", J. Beziin et al, Pub Int No 90, IRISA, Sept 1978. EPSS Electronic Performance Support System EqL An equational language. Bharat Jayaraman buffalo. edu>. "EqL: The Language and its Implementation", B. Jayaraman et al, IEEE Trans Soft Eng SE-156:771-780 June 1989. EQLOG Equality, types and generic modules for logic programming. A language using Horn clauses. J. A. Goguen, J. Meseguer. EQLog OBJ2 plus logic programming based on Horn logic with equality. "EQLog: Equality, Types and Generic Modules for Logic Programming", J. Goguen et al in Functional and Logic Programming, D. DeGroot et al eds, pp. 295-363, P-H 1986. Eqn Language for typesetting mathematics. "A System for Typesetting Mathematics", B. W. Kernighan and L. L. Cherry, CACM 183:151-157 Mar 1975. equals "=", ASCII character 61. Common names: ITU-T: equals; gets; takes. Rare: quadrathorpe; INTERCAL: half-mesh. Equals is used in many languages as the assignment operator though earlier languages used ":=" "becomes equal to" to avoid upsetting mathematicians with statements such as "x = x+1". It is also used in compounds such as "<=", =",">">=", "==", "/=", "!=" for various comparison operators and in Cs "+=", "*=" etc. which mimic the primitive operations of two-address code.

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