meaning of collocation

1. The act of placing; the state of being placed with something else; disposition in place; arrangement.
collocation co-location co-location /kohloh-kay`sh*n/ or /koh`loh-kaysh*n/ Or "colocation" Providing network connections such as Internet leased lines to several servers housed together in a server room. This is typically provided as a commercial service. The hyphenated form is correct and the most common on the web, followed by "colocation". "collocation" /ko`loh-kaysh*n/, not /koh-/, is an old word with a similar meaning. It is common in dictionaries and follows the pattern of other Latin-derived words like collect, college, and collate, but is least common on the web. The verbal form is "to colocate" or "co-locate" commonly /kohloh`kayt/, also US /koh`lohkayt/.

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