meaning of zoo

1. Zoo Berkeley Yacc zoo file format> A data compression program and format by Rahul Dhesi. Zoo is reported to use the same Lempel Ziv algorithm as LHA. It is available for many platforms and source is available. . zoo archives are handled by many other PC archiving programs. Version 2. 10 was released in 1989. Search the web for zoo210 to obtain an executable. Description http://sources. isc. org/archiver/zoo2. txt.
the facility where wild animals are housed for exhibition

Related Words

zoo | zoo keeper | zoo- | zoochemical | zoochemistry | zoochemy | zoochlorella | zoocyst | zoocytia | zoocytium | zoodendria | zoodendrium | zooecia | zooecium | zooerastia | zooerasty | zooerythrine | zooflagellate | zoogamous | zoogamy | zoogenic | zoogeny | zoogeographical | zoogeography | zoogloea | zoogony | zoographer | zoographic | zoographical | zoographist |

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