meaning of tetra

1. cactus of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico having edible juicy fruit

Related Words

acanthocereus tetragonus | chicken tetrazzini | chlortetracycline | cyamopsis tetragonolobus | fallots tetralogy | family tetragoniaceae | family tetranychidae | family tetraodontidae | family tetraonidae | halesia tetraptera | hydroxytetracycline | hypericum tetrapterum | icositetrahedron | lead tetraethyl | lotus tetragonolobus | order tetraodontiformes | oxytetracycline | oxytetracycline hydrochloride | pentamethylenetetrazol | pentylenetetrazol | polytetrafluoroethylene | pseudotetramera | psophocarpus tetragonolobus | regular tetrahedron | sophora tetraptera | suricata tetradactyla | tamandua tetradactyla | tetra | tetra- | tetrabasic |

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