meaning of sybase sql server

1. Sybase SQL Server Adaptive Server Enterprise SYDEL A system language, fully typed, with inline assembly code, by Jan Garwick, ca 1974. SYGMA A symbolic generator and macro assembler by A. P. Ershov et al of Novosibirsk. For the BESM-6, M-220 and Minsk-22. ["SYGMA, A Symbolic Generator and Macroassembler", A. P. Ershov et al, in Symbol Manipulation Languages and Techniques, D. G. Bobrow ed, N-H 1968, pp. 226- 246]. SYLK Symbolic Link Sylvan [Distributed language?] Symantec Software manufacturer of utility and development applications for Windows and Macintosh platforms. Products include ACT!, Norton Utilities, Norton AntiVirus, Symantec AntiVirus for Macintosh, Symantec Cafe. Home http://www. symantec. com/.

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