meaning of sneak

1. To creep or steal (away or about) privately; to come or go meanly, as a person afraid or ashamed to be seen; as, to sneak away from company.
To act in a stealthy and cowardly manner; to behave with meanness and servility; to crouch.
To hide, esp. in a mean or cowardly manner.
A mean, sneaking fellow.
A ball bowled so as to roll along the ground; -- called also grub.
someone acting as an informer or decoy for the police

Related Words

sneak | sneak away | sneak in | sneak off | sneak out | sneak preview | sneak thief | sneak up | sneak-cup | sneaked | sneaker | sneakily | sneakiness | sneaking | sneakingly | sneaksby | sneaky |

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