meaning of polynomials

1. An expression composed of two or more terms, connected by the signs plus or minus; as, a2 - 2ab + b2.
Containing many names or terms; multinominal; as, the polynomial theorem.
Consisting of two or more words; having names consisting of two or more words; as, a polynomial name; polynomial nomenclature.
polynomial 1. An arithmetic expression composed by summing multiples of powers of some variable. Px = sum a_i x^i for i = 0 . . N The multipliers, a_i, are known as "coefficients" and N, the highest power of x with a non-zero coefficient, is known as the "degree" of the polynomial. If N=0 then Px is constant, if N=1, Px is linear in x. N=2 gives a "quadratic" and N=3, a "cubic". 2. polynomial-time. polynomial-time P The set or property of problems which can be solved by a known polynomial-time algorithm.
a mathematical expression that is the sum of a number of terms

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