meaning of peta

1. Developing from below towards the apex, or from the circumference towards the center; centripetal; -- said of certain inflorescence.
of leaves or flowers; developing or opening in succession from base to apex

Related Words

acropetal | andropetalous | anisopetalous | antipetalous | apetalous | apetalous flower | apetalousness | bipetalous | caesalpinia decapetala | calamintha nepeta | calamintha nepeta glantulosa | catapetalous | centripetal | centripetal acceleration | centripetal force | ceratopetalum | ceratopetalum gummiferum | cerebripetal | corticipetal | dialypetalous | dipetalous | dryas octopetala | eleuthero-petalous | enneapetalous | epipetalous | flower petal | gamopetalous | gentiana holopetala | gentianopsis holopetala | genus ceratopetalum |

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