meaning of patch pumpkin

1. patch pumpkin pumpkin patch space An unused block of bits left in a binary so that it can later be modified by insertion of machine-language instructions there typically, the patch space is modified to contain new code, and the superseded code is patched to contain a jump or call to the patch space. The widening use of HLLs has made this term rare; it is now primarily historical outside IBM shops. See patch, zap, hook. [Jargon File] PATCHY A Fortran code management program written at CERN. path 1. A bang path or explicitly routed Internet address; a node-by-node specification of a link between two machines. 2. system> pathname. 3. system> The list of directories the kernel under Unix or the command interpreter under MS-DOS searches for executables. It is stored as part of the environment in both operating systems. Other, similar constructs abound under Unix; the C preprocessor, for example, uses such a search path to locate "#include" files. [Jargon File]

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