meaning of leo

1. The Lion, the fifth sign of the zodiac, marked thus [/] in almanacs.
A northern constellation east of Cancer, containing the bright star Regulus at the end of the handle of the Sickle.
LEO Low Earth Orbit Leo A general-purpose systems language, syntactically like Pascal and Y, semantically like C. ["The Leo Programming Language", G. Townsend, CS TR 84-7, U Arizona 1984].
the fifth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about July 23 to August 22

Related Words

leo | leo delibes | leo esaki | leo i | leo iii | leo szilard | leo the great | leo the lion | leo tolstoy | leo x | leod | leon | leon battista alberti | leon trotsky | leonard | leonard bernstein | leonard bloomfield | leonard constant lambert | leonard marx | leonardesque | leonardo | leonardo da vinci | leonberg | leonced | leoncita | leone | leonese | leonhard euler | leonid | leonid brezhnev |

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