meaning of isis

1. The principal goddess worshiped by the Egyptians. She was regarded as the mother of Horus, and the sister and wife of Osiris. The Egyptians adored her as the goddess of fecundity, and as the great benefactress of their country, who instructed their ancestors in the art of agriculture.
Any coral of the genus Isis, or family Isidae, composed of joints of white, stony coral, alternating with flexible, horny joints. See Gorgoniacea.
One of the asteroids.
ISIS 1. A toolkit for implementing fault-tolerant distributed systems, developed at Cornell and now available commercially 2. A dialect of JOSS. [Sammet 1969, p. 217]. IS-IS Intermediate System-Intermediate System ISL Interface Specification Language. Xerox PARC. Interface description language used by the ILU Inter-Language Unification system. Includes descriptions of multiple inheritance, exceptions and garbage collection. E-mail: Bill Janssen xerox. com>. ISLisp International Standard Lisp. An object-oriented Lisp intended as an international replacement for Common Lisp, EuLisp, Le-Lisp and Scheme. The standards goals are object orientation, extensibility, efficiency, and suitability for non-academic use. The standard is defined in ISO WG 16, draft Dec 1992. ftp://ma2s2. mathematik. uni-karlsruhe. de/pub/lisp/islisp/.
Egyptian goddess of fertility; daughter of Geb; sister and wife of Osiris

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