meaning of ez

1. EZ High-level string-processing language derived from SNOBOL4, SL5 and Icon. ["The EZ Reference Manual", C. W. Fraser et al, CS TR 84-1, U Arizona, 1984]. ezd tool> Easy drawing A graphics server that sits between an application program and an X server and allows both existing and new programs easy access to structured graphics. Ezd users have been able to have their programs produce interactive drawings within hours of reading the manual page. Ezd supports structured graphics - application defined graphical objects are ordered into drawings by the application. Unlike most X tools, ezd does not require any event handling by the application. The ezd server maintains the window contents. When an event occurs an application supplied Scheme expression is evaluated. Current version: 15mar93 as of 1993-03-10. ftp://gatekeeper. dec. com/pub/DEC/ezd/. Contact: Joel Bartlett.

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