meaning of echo2

1. A small chamber or place of protection for a sentinel, usually in the form of a projecting turret, or the like. See Castle.

Related Words

echauguette | eche | echelon | echeneididae | echeneis | echeneis naucrates | echidna | echidnine | echidnophaga | echidnophaga gallinacea | echinacea | echinate | echinated | echini | echinid | echinidan | echinital | echinite | echinocactus | echinocactus grusonii | echinocereus | echinochloa | echinochloa crusgalli | echinochloa frumentacea | echinococcosis | echinococcus | echinoderm | echinoderm family | echinoderm genus | echinodermal |

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