meaning of dex

1. DEX A cross between Modula-2 and C by W. van Oortmerssen. Amiga version 1. 2 ftp://ftp. cso. uiuc. edu/pub/amiga/fish/f7/ff743/TurboDEX. lzh DFA Deterministic Finite-state Automaton. See Finite State Machine. DFC A dataflow language. ["Data Flow Language DFC: Design and Implementation", S. Toshio et al, Systems and Computers in Japan, 206:1- 10 Jun 1989]. DFD Data Flow Diagram DFS 1. Depth-First Search. 2. system> Distributed File System. DFT discrete Fourier transform DGL 1. Data Generation Language. A tool for generating test data for hardware or software systems. 2. Distributed GL. DG/L 1. Descriptive Geometry Language. Early CAD/CAE language, used light pen. "Interactive Graphic Consoles - Environment and Software", R. L. Beckermeyer, Proc FJCC 37 1970. 2. Data General ca 1973-1974. Derivative of ALGOL 60, developed from DGs ALGOL-5, used as the systems language under AOS and RDOS for the DG Eclipse family of computers. Replaced by PL/I in the early 80s. Data General manual 093-000229-01. DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Dhrystone A short synthetic benchmark program by Reinhold Weicker muc@sni. de>, muc@sni-usa. com>, intended to be representative of system integer programming. It is available in ADA, Pascal and C. The current version is Dhrystone 2. 1. The author says, "Relying on MIPS V1. 1 the result of V1. 1 numbers can be hazardous to your professional health. " Due to its small size, the memory system outside the cache is not tested. Compilers can too easily optimise for Dhrystone. String operations are somewhat over-represented. Sources ftp://ftp. nosc. mil/pub/aburto/. Results http://performance. netlib. org/performance/html/dhrystone. data

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