meaning of csk software

1. CSK Software An international software company formed by the merger of Quay Financial Software and Micrognosis, and fully owned by CSK Corporation, Japan. CSK Software is based in Frankfurt/Main Germany with offices in London UK, Zurich Switzerland, Madrid Spain, and Singapore. Products segments are RDD: Realtime data delivery, main product is Slingshot for delivering real-time data over the Internet real push technology. ETS: Electronic Trading Systems, price calculation and automatic trading with connections to XONTRO and XETRA. EAI: Enterprise Application Integration, main product is XGen, an universal message converter with GUI and connections also to SWIFT SWIFT gold label. Home http://www. csksoftware. com/. E-mail: com>. Address: CSK Software AG, Opernplatz 2, D-60313 Frankfurt, Germany. Tel: +49 69 509 520. Fax: +49 69 5095 2333.

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