meaning of class d

1. and apparently mutually exclusive, class of bugs. The "tape" referred to was, incidentally, not magnetic but paper. Sadly, this quotation was removed from later editions of the handbook after the suits took over and DEC became much more "businesslike". The history above is known to many old-time hackers. But theres more: Peter Samson, compiler of the original TMRC lexicon, reports that he named "DDT" after a similar tool on the TX-0 computer, the direct ancestor of the PDP-1 built at MITs Lincoln Lab in 1957. The debugger on that ground-breaking machine the first transistorised computer rejoiced in the name FLIT FLexowriter Interrogation Tape. [Jargon File] de The country code for Germany.

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and apparently mutually exclusive, class of bugs. | childbirth-preparation class | class | class acrasiomycetes | class act | class actinozoa | class action | class amphibia | class angiospermae | class anthoceropsida | class anthozoa | class aphasmidia | class arachnida | class archiannelida | class ascidiaceae | class ascomycetes | class asteroidea | class aves | class bacillariophyceae | class basidiomycetes | class bivalvia | class bryopsida | class cephalopoda | class cestoda | class channidae | class charophyceae | class chilopoda | class chlorophyceae | class chondrichthyes | class chrysophyceae |

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