meaning of trigna

1. To fill; to stuff; to cram.
Full; also, trim; neat.
To stop, as a wheel, by placing something under it; to scotch; to skid.
A stone, block of wood, or anything else, placed under a wheel or barrel to prevent motion; a scotch; a skid.
the mathematics of triangles and trigonometric functions

Related Words

trig | triga | trigamist | trigamous | trigamy | trigastric | trigeminal | trigeminal nerve | trigeminal neuralgia | trigeminous | trigeminus | trigenic | trigesimo-secundo | trigger | trigger finger | trigger off | trigger-happy | triggerfish | triggerman | trigintal | trigla lucerna | triglidae | triglinae | triglochin | triglochin maritima | triglyceride | triglyph | triglyphic | triglyphical | trigness |

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