meaning of strands

1. One of the twists, or strings, as of fibers, wires, etc. , of which a rope is composed.
To break a strand of (a rope).
The shore, especially the beach of a sea, ocean, or large lake; rarely, the margin of a navigable river.
To drive on a strand; hence, to run aground; as, to strand a ship.
To drift, or be driven, on shore to run aground; as, the ship stranded at high water.
a necklace made by a stringing objects together; "a string of beads"; "a strand of ">pearls";

Related Words

strand | strand wolf | stranded | stranding | strang | strange | strange attractor | strange particle | strange quark | strangely | strangely enough | strangeness | stranger | strangle | strangleable | strangled | stranglehold | strangler | strangler fig | strangler tree | strangles | strangling | strangulate | strangulated | strangulation | strangurious | strangury | strany |

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