meaning of sterile

1. Producing little or no crop; barren; unfruitful; unproductive; not fertile; as, sterile land; a sterile desert; a sterile year.
Incapable of reproduction; unfitted for reproduction of offspring; not able to germinate or bear fruit; unfruitful; as, a sterile flower, which bears only stamens.
Free from reproductive spores or germs; as, a sterile fluid.
Fig. : Barren of ideas; destitute of sentiment; as, a sterile production or author.
deficient in originality or creativity; lacking powers of invention; "a sterile ideology lacking in originality"; "unimaginative development of a musical theme"; "uninspired ">writing"

Related Words

sterile | sterileness | sterilisation | sterilise | sterilised | steriliser | sterility | sterilization | sterilize | sterilized | sterilizer | sterilizing |

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