meaning of poems

1. Same as Poi.
POE PowerOpen Environment POFAC A subset of Fortran. [Mentioned in Machine Oriented Higher Level Languages, W. van der Poel, N-H 1974, p. 273]. ["POFAC Description", R. Haentjens, Report 19, Cenre dInformation, Ecole Royale Militaire, Brussels, 1973].
United States writer and poet 1809-1849

Related Words

poe | poebird | poecile | poeciliid | poeciliid fish | poeciliidae | poecilitic | poecilocapsus | poecilocapsus lineatus | poecilogale | poecilogale albinucha | poecilopod | poecilopoda | poem | poematic | poenamu | poenology | poephaga | poephila | poephila castanotis | poesy | poet | poet laureate | poet-singer | poetaster | poetastry | poetess | poetic | poetic justice | poetic license |

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