meaning of parlors

1. Parlog Clark & Gregory, Imperial College 1983. An AND-parallel Prolog, with guards and committed choice nondeterminism dont care nondeterminism. Shallow backtracking only. Implementations: MacParlog and PC-Parlog from Parallel Logic Programming Ltd. , Box 49 Twickenham TW2 5PH, UK. See also SPM. ftp://ftp. inria. fr/lang/Parlog. tar. Z. E-mail: ic. ac. uk>. ["Parlog: A Parallel Logic Programming Language", K. L. Clark and S. Gregory, Imperial College, London, May 1983]. "Parlog83", in which the ouput mechanism was assignment. ["Parallel Logic Programming in PARLOG, The Language and Its Implementation", S. Gregory, A-W 1987]. "Parlog86", in which the output mechanism was unification, as in GHC. See Strand. Parlog++ An object-oriented extension to MacParlog. It combines object-oriented and parallel logic programming, giving the benefits of both paradigms within a single coherent development environment. Andrew Davison mu. oz. au>, then Imperial College now U Melbourne. Object orientation plus parallel logic, built on top of MacParlog. "Parlog++: A Parlog Object-Oriented Language", A. Davison, Parlog Group, Imperial College 1988. Sold by PLP Ltd. E-mail: ic. ac. uk>. parm /parm/ Further-compressed form of param. This term is an IBMism, and written use is almost unknown outside IBM shops; spoken /parm/ is more widely distributed, but the synonym arg is favoured among hackers. Compare var. [Jargon File] PARMACS The "Argonne macros" from Argonne National Laboratory. A package of macros written in m4 for portable parallel programming, using monitors on shared memory machines, and message passing on distributed memory machines. [E. Lusk et al, "Portable Programs for Parallel Processors", HRW 1987. p4]. ftp://research. att. com/netlib/parmacs. ParMod "Parallel Programming with ParMod", S. Eichholz, Proc 1987 Intl Conf on Parallel Proc, pp. 377-380. PARS Programmable Airline Reservation System PARSEC Extensible language with PL/I-like syntax, derived from PROTEUS. "PARSEC Users Manual", Bolt Beranek & Newman Dec 1972. parser An algorithm or program to determine the syntactic structure of a sentence or string of symbols in some language. A parser normally takes as input a sequence of tokens output by a lexical analyser. It may produce some kind of abstract syntax tree as output. One of the best known parser generators is yacc.

Related Words

parlog | parlor | parlor car | parlor game | parlor grand | parlor grand piano | parlormaid | parlour | parlour car | parlour game | parlour grand | parlour grand piano | parlourmaid | parlous |

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