meaning of lopez

1. Mexican general who tried to crush the Texas revolt and who lost battles to Winfield Scott and Zachary Taylor in the Mexican War 1795-1876

Related Words

antonio lopez de santa ana | antonio lopez de santa anna | lop | lop off | lop-eared | lope | lope de vega | lope felix de vega carpio | lopeared | loped | lopeman | loper | lophiidae | lophine | lophiomys | lophius | lophius americanus | lophobranch | lophobranchiate | lophobranchii | lophodytes | lophodytes cucullatus | lopholatilus | lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps | lophophora | lophophora williamsii | lophophore | lophophorus | lophopoda | lophosoria |

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