meaning of gars

1. The prickly fruit or seed of certain plants (as some species of Echinospermum and Cynoglossum) which cling to the clothing of those who brush by them.
The bur marigold (Bidens) and its achenes, which are armed with barbed awns, and adhere to clothing and fleeces with unpleasant tenacity.

Related Words

beggars | beggars | gab | gabarage | gabardine | gabber | gabbier | gabble | gabbled | gabbling | gabbro | gabel | gabeler | gabelle | gabelleman | gaber-lunzie | gaberdine | gabert | gabion | gabionade | gabionage | gabioned | gabionnade | gable | gablet | gablock | gabriel | gabriel, richard | gaby | gad |

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