meaning of cowboys

1. A cattle herder; a drover; specifically, one of an adventurous class of herders and drovers on the plains of the Western and Southwestern United States.
One of the marauders who, in the Revolutionary War infested the neutral ground between the American and British lines, and committed depredations on the Americans.
cowboy [Sun, from William Gibsons cyberpunk SF] Synonym for hacker. It is reported that at Sun this word is often said with reverence. [Jargon File] COWSEL COntrolled Working SpacE Language. Burstall and Popplestone, U Edinburgh, 1964-66. LISP-like semantics with FORTH-like stack, and reverse Polish syntax. Forerunner of POP. EPU-R-12, U Edinburgh Apr 1966. CP A concurrent Prolog. "The Concurrent Logic Programming Language CP": Definition and Operational Semantics", V. Saraswat, 14th POPL, ACM 1987, pp. 49-62. CPAN Comprehensive Perl Archive Network CParaOps5 A parallel version of OPS5 written at CMU, in C and compiling to C. CParaOps5 is available for Unix, Mach, Encore Multimaxen, and Sequent. Latest version: 5. 4, as of 1999-08-30. Home http://www. cs. ucsb. edu/~acha/software. html.
a hired hand who tends cattle and performs other duties on horseback

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