meaning of coordinate2

1. Equal in rank or order; not subordinate.
To make coordinate; to put in the same order or rank; as, to coordinate ideas in classification.
To give a common action, movement, or condition to; to regulate and combine so as to produce harmonious action; to adjust; to harmonize; as, to coordinate muscular movements.
A thing of the same rank with another thing; one two or more persons or things of equal rank, authority, or importance.
Lines, or other elements of reference, by means of which the position of any point, as of a curve, is defined with respect to certain fixed lines, or planes, called coordinate axes and coordinate planes. See Abscissa.
coordinate One member of a tuple of numbers which defines the position of a point in some space. Commonly used coordinate systems have as many coordinates as their are dimensions in the space, e. g. a pair for two dimensions. The most common coordinate system is Cartesian coordinates, probably followed by polar coordinates.
a number that identifies a position relative to an axis

Related Words

coordinate | coordinate axis | coordinate bond | coordinate clause | coordinate geometry | coordinate system | coordinated | coordinated universal time | coordinately | coordinateness | coordinating | coordinating committee for intercontinental research networks | coordinating conjunction | coordination | coordination compound | coordination language | coordinative | coordinator |

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