meaning of basis2

1. A combining form, especially in anatomical and botanical words, to indicate the base or position at or near a base; forming a base; as, basibranchials, the most ventral of the cartilages or bones of the branchial arches; basicranial, situated at the base of the cranium; basifacial, basitemporal, etc.

Related Words

basi- | basic | basic assembly language | basic autocoder | basic encoding rules | basic fortran | basic input/output system | basic jovial | basic language for implementation of system software | basic multilingual plane | basic object adapter | basic object system | basic operating system | basic programming support | basic rate interface | basic v | basicerite | basicity | basidiospore | basidium | basifier | basifugal | basify | basigynium | basihyal | basihyoid | basil | basilar | basilary | basiled |

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