meaning of automap

1. of Automaton
automata automaton automata theory automaton Automated Engineering Design AED Or "ALGOL Extended for Design" A systems language for the IBM 7090 and IBM 360 developed at MIT System Laboratory ca. 1965 by a team led by Douglas T. Ross now at Softech. AED is an extension of ALGOL 60 with records "plexes", pointers, and dynamic allocation. DYNAMO II was written in AED, as was the first BCPL compiler. Versions: AED-0, AED-1, AED-JR. ["The Automated Engineering Design AED Approach to Generalized Computer-Aided Design", D. T. Ross, Proc ACM 22nd Natl Conf, 1967]. [Sammet 1969 and 1978].

Related Words

automata | automated grouping system | automated retroactive minimal moderation | automated testing | automath | automatic | automatic baud rate detection | automatic hyphenation | automatic mathematical translation | automatic network routing | automatic number identification | automatic repeat request | automatic send receive | automatic sequence controlled calculator | automatical | automatically | automatically programmed tools | automatische rechenplanfertigung | automatism | automaton | automatons | automatous | automatrix, inc. | automorphic | automorphism |

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