meaning of 6 r

1. ARM610 A 32-bit RISC microprocessor based on the ARM6 processor core designed by Advanced RISC Machines Ltd. The ARM610 is the successor to the ARM3 processor and is produced by VLSI Technology Inc. It consumes 500mW at 33MHz with a 5V supply.

Related Words

arm610 | cluster 86 | commodore 64 | commodore 64dx | commodore sx64 | coral 66 | cyrix 6x86 | data general mn601 | dream 6800 | fortran 66 | internet protocol version 6 | intersil 6120 | january 6 | military intelligence section 6 | operating system/360 | portable commodore 64 | powerpc 601 | rfc 1156 | rfc 1267 | rfc 1436 | rfc 1446 | rfc 1526 | rfc 1561 | rfc 1568 | rfc 1630 | rfc 1661 | rfc 1756 | rfc 1760 | rfc 1861 | rfc 1960 |

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