meaning of 0 9

1. Fortran 90 Previously "Fortran 8x" and "Fortran Extended" An extensive enlargement of Fortran 77. Fortran 90 has derived types, assumed shape arrays, array sections, functions returning arrays, case statement, module subprograms and internal subprograms, optional and keyword subprogram arguments, recursion, and dynamic allocation. It is defined in ISO 1539:1991, soon to be adopted by ANSI. ["Fortran 90 Explained", M. Metcalf et al, Oxford University Press 1990].

Related Words

fortran 90 | fx-90 | hitachi 6309 | ibm 709 | ibm 7090 | ibm 7094 | ibm390 | intel i960 | iso 9000 | iso 9072 | rfc 1094 | rfc 1509 | rfc 1960 | rfc 2049 | rfc 2093 | rfc 903 | rfc 908 | strontium 90 | tk-90x | wirth} around 1970. pascal was designed for simplicity and | x.409 | xerox data systems model 940 | z39.50 | [proc fjcc 18:117-136, afips (fall 1960)]. |

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